Friday, December 7, 2007

Pride & Prejudice LVIIII

I fear Even is Wickham in Darcy-esque feathers. Besides the girlfriend-betrayal (let us not get drawn into technicalities- i know he hadn't implied any affection towards me), i sense he might be back-stabbing me at work. It's a horrifying thought- he's not someone I would expect it of. I think I've made a GIANT mistake by letting my personal trust bleed into professional trust. Gargantuan. (Interesting word, lousy movie.)

Anyway, better to realise late than never. Of course, best would be if he hadn't done anything at all, but I guess that would be considered demanding. I suppose I must move on with my life. No matter how attractive the Wickhams of this world may seem, they are not really relationship material. I still can't believe it- how could I have been so blind. We have similar tastes, similar likes and similar attitudes. Obviously, something had to be wrong. And that's the perfect formula for Wickham.

I think the sad Truth of this Universe (or any other for that matter, but can't commit about other universes) is that Darcys are always rich, aloof men of strong character, high intellect and upright values. How's this a sad truth? Because there are very few men like that around. It's why we always fall for the Wickhams. They seem alright and are around in greater numbers. Whoever said there's strength in numbers, had clearly hit upon Universal Truth.

On that sombre(and somewhat pompous, I admit) note, I shall end this post.

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