Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Sometimes you have no idea what you're doing but you feel compelled to go on doing it.. . Like the other day when I was sitting with Gary in a coffee shop.. There was definitely some madness stirred into the coffee because I found myself unfolding a lot of my life in front of him. Not like you tell a friend but like you tell a shrink. I don't know which is worse.
And he listened, fascinated, as it were by my psychosis. Or acting well enough to earn an Academy Award nomination (too good-looking to actually win the award). When I was through, which was after a good, two cups of coffee, I was spent (mentally). I wasn't spent the other way till much later that evening.
After all my rambling, he smiled sadly and asked, "Aren't you too young to be so old?"
And in my head a voice said, "Great! Hundreds of hot men in the world and I land up with one who uses his brain."

Sunday, February 10, 2008


I was just daydreaming about Sex god (he's from BTB- before this blog)and this thought came to mind:
"It took evolution 200 million years to make you. Let me take at least half that time to appreciate it's work."
I know it sounds a little corny but one look at him and you'll know why it's justified. I'm sorry I don't have pictures to upload. Hell, I don't even have a name. Just an image. One glorious image of the possibilities of creation.

God bless.

Morbid Monday II

Morbid Monday

I woke up this morning in an incredibly irritable mood. And people have done nothing to help it. Even is as gay as ever. My boss I'm sure is waiting to pounce upon me at the unguarded moment when I decide to check my horoscope. And the week holds out the promise of nothing worth looking forward to. A very good morning to you too.

I'm going through one of those phases where I feel like running away from it all. I don't know if I've already posted it, but there's this inspirational strip of Pearls Before Swine which shows the way to kindred souls searching for a way out of this misty maze called 'the real world'. It's just not what it used to be. Worked for me for the first two years or so, but it has been steadily downhill ever since. What is a girl to do?

And before any men (I've come to the conclusion that chauvinistic is a redundant adjective when describing men; they are all chauvinistic, consciously or subconsciously) suggest that I am pms-ing, let me clarify, I'm far from it. Ten whole days far.

It is so typical for men to label women giving attitude for 7 days a month as abnormal. They give it all the time and they're normal, we give it some of the time and we're 'pms-ing'. Typical. I know I might come off sounding like a man-hating bitch (which is not true, as some previous posts will testify to- I'm quite the opposite), but I'm willing to risk that to vent some of this frustration. As is often the case, frustration with one(man) is leading to criticism of all(men).

I hate gay men.

I'm NOT homophobic or against gay rights in any way.