Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I am in Even-withdrawal phase. I'd like to believe I started it. Laughable as the thought is. One little flick of his evil finger and I'd go waddling over. Yup. He has more evil in his little finger than all of Saddam (and i have seen the pictures- there was clearly a lot of Saddam to go around!). @#$%^%$! How I hate him (Even, and also Saddam). How I wish I did...(ONLY Even.)

Such difficult desires aside, my life has taken a drastic turn for the better. My new policy of repress and push on is yielding rich dividends whenever I put it to use. Sometimes I forget, and am melancholy, but then I push on. I'm a happy little manic depressive :)

Okay, I'm done freaking you out. Really. I've been pondering a lot on destiny and omens and stuff and I think I've zeroed in on mine. I think my destiny involves a shopping mall and a black American Express card. Oh, The Joys of Shopping. I'm a living monument to retail therapy and its many benefits. Of course, it's just one of the things I am a monument to. Others include: Unrequited love, unrequited hair, and demonic possession. There is no limit to the number of demons that possess me. I am walking, talking B-grade Hollywood movie. That does not sound very nice. I take it back.

So now that Even is out of my life (as if he was ever in it; the git)I can focus on personal and professional growth, and this blog, of course. Get ready for a lot more excitement and posts.. I'm back, baby!!

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