Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Sometimes you have no idea what you're doing but you feel compelled to go on doing it.. . Like the other day when I was sitting with Gary in a coffee shop.. There was definitely some madness stirred into the coffee because I found myself unfolding a lot of my life in front of him. Not like you tell a friend but like you tell a shrink. I don't know which is worse.
And he listened, fascinated, as it were by my psychosis. Or acting well enough to earn an Academy Award nomination (too good-looking to actually win the award). When I was through, which was after a good, two cups of coffee, I was spent (mentally). I wasn't spent the other way till much later that evening.
After all my rambling, he smiled sadly and asked, "Aren't you too young to be so old?"
And in my head a voice said, "Great! Hundreds of hot men in the world and I land up with one who uses his brain."

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